Sample requirements for specific Animal Health tests are specified in our Price List.
For Feed and Water testing, submitters are requested to contact the laboratory for sampling /submission requirements.
Liver biopsy sample collection instructions are available from the laboratory on request. Please refer to the adjacent Sample Requirements section in relation to biopsy sample submissions.
Sample Submission Forms:
All samples submitted to the laboratory should be individually and clearly labeled with waterproof identification. Time and date of collection, owner, submitter and reporting/invoice details should also be clearly provided. To ensure these aspects are covered, we strongly suggest using our:
Test Request/Sample Details Form (click to download).
Transport of Samples:
Transport of samples to the laboratory is the responsibility of the client. Samples should be packaged to IATA specifications. Unstable samples or samples requiring constant refrigeration should not be sent on Fridays as they will not be received at the laboratory until the following Monday. To ensure samples are received at the laboratory, we suggest that submitters notify the laboratory (eg. by fax) of the transport consignment details and expected receival time. Please contact the laboratory if you require further details.
Sample Requirements:
All samples submitted to the laboratory should be individually identifiable and accompanied by a specimen test request form. Sample requirements for specific tests are indicated in our price list. For most blood tests, the volume of serum or whole blood from a 7 mL blood collection tube is sufficient. For urine testing, a 5 mL sample is usually sufficient. Urine samples should be free of faecal contamination. Tissue samples for routine testing should be 10 - 30 g in weight and transported in 50 mL plastic screw top containers. For liver biopsy samples please see section below.
Liver Biopsy samples:
Tissue biopsy samples should preferably be greater than 100 mg in weight, particularly if multi-element analysis is required. Small tissue samples should be stored and transported in a suitable size container to minimise evaporative loss from the sample; ‘O’ ring sealed 1 mL tubes are ideal for biopsy samples. Biopsy samples should be rinsed with saline and excess fluid/blood removed via gauze swabs prior to being placed into sample containers; on receival at the laboratory the entire contents of the container will be assayed, as at this stage we cannot differentiate tissue from blood/saline. All analysis and results for biopsies are on a wet weight basis.
For more information please download our Liver Biopsy Assay Information Sheet (click to download).